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Tag Archives: Port Saint Lucie Family Law Attorney


Job-Related Divorce Modifications In Port St. Lucie

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Back in ye olden days, many people worked at one job for life. Those days are gone now. In fact, the average Floridian changes jobs up to fifteen times during their lives. If the job-changing person was divorced and had minor children, the change probably affects both the child support obligation and the parenting… Read More »


Am I Eligible For A No-Fault Divorce In Florida?

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Before 1970, there was no such thing as a “no-fault” divorce in Florida or any other state. If a spouse wanted to dissolve a marriage, that spouse had to show evidence of adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or some other fault. Sometimes, this requirement was only a technicality. But too many times, it caused an already… Read More »


Will A New Alimony Rule Cause Florida Divorce Rates To Spike?

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Some of the most prominent family law attorneys in the state say yes. The tax law changes on  January 1, 2019, and any divorces finalized before then will remain subject to the old law. Currently, spousal support payments are deductible for the obligor (spouse paying the support). The obligee (person receiving alimony) must report… Read More »


The Status Of Alimony Law In Florida

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Since the 1940s, the alimony tax rules have been one of the few constants in Florida divorce cases. Under existing guidelines, spousal support payments are tax-deductible and obligee spouses must report these payments as income. At the end of 2018, both these rules change. Alimony payments will no longer be tax-deductible and recipients will… Read More »


Special Issues In A Florida Grey Divorce

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Since 1990, the divorce rate among people under 49 has either dropped sharply or at least leveled off somewhat. But among couples over 50, the opposite has occurred. Marriage dissolutions among this age group have more than doubled over that same time period. The increased “grey divorce” rate is probably due to a change… Read More »


Is Divorce Mediation A Good Idea In Florida?

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Immediately prior to mediation, most participants feel that the process will be a waste of time. If talking could have solved the problem, they reason, no family law case would have been filed in the first place. But in voluntary mediation cases, roughly 75 percent of these individuals resolve most or all of their… Read More »


Five Important Property Division Factors In Florida Divorces

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Judges in the Sunshine State must divide marital property on an equitable basis. That’s not necessarily the same as an “equal” basis. Generally, the judge awards property on a 50-50 basis. But if the litigants introduce enough compelling evidence, the judge could very well order an unequal property distribution in a divorce case. This… Read More »


Some Key Things To Know About Premarital Agreements In Florida

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

When some people see “prenuptial agreement,” they think “rich movie star.” Indeed, a generation ago, super-rich couples were usually the only ones who worried about premarital agreements in family law matters. The laws were very inconsistent, even from county to county and certainly from state to state. But by the late 1990s, most all… Read More »


What You Need To Know About PAS

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

Parental Alienation Syndrome is one of the most common obstacles to effective co-parenting in divorced Florida families. The alienating spouse either consciously or subconsciously drives an emotional or psychological wedge between the targeted parent and the children. PAS was once called “maternal brainwashing,” a label that’s both inaccurate and inflammatory. This moniker probably helped… Read More »


Some Spousal Support Basics In Florida

By Eighmie Law Firm, P.A. |

The wave of alimony reform that swept over a number of other states in the early and mid-2010s never came ashore in the Sunshine State. Governor Rick Scott vetoed two alimony reform bills during this period, even though reformers charged that Florida’s laws on the subject were “outdated” and “not equitable.” Types of Spousal… Read More »

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